What is Tim’s training philosophy?

STOP, and ask yourself…

"How do I want to look? How do I want to feel? And how do I want to perform?"

Tim believes there are 3 pillars to
physical success:

  1. How you look.

  2. How you feel.

  3. How you perform.

It’s not only about looking good... it's about looking good, feeling good, and performing at your best. That is the winning formula.

Everybody has their own goals, and that’s great!

But what’s the point of having a six-pack when you have horrible back pain?
Or what’s the point of being muscular when you’re out of breath from only walking a flight of stairs?

You get the point. Everyone is different and has their own needs. Training always depends on the individual, after all, that’s why it’s called personal training!

Still, to be successful, everyone must accomplish some sort of (their OWN) hybrid balance between the three aspects of how you look, feel, and perform.
It is my job as a personal trainer to help you achieve the balance that is exactly right for YOU.

What are Tim’s core values?

  1. Trust & Integrity

    -Building a relationship with the client that
    is safe, comfortable, and fun is a priority.

  2. Hard Work

    -Tim is 100% engaged during personal trainings, he doesn’t half-ass any sessions. Thus he also expects that you give it your BEST. Remember: You don’t have to be the best, just give it your best.

  3. Consistency

    -"Rome wasn’t built in a day"… it takes time and patience to build something big and great. You won’t get there overnight, especially not when you regularly skip practices. Get your own rhythm going, stay consistent, and lay "brick by brick".

  4. Growth Mindset

    -Tim constantly wants to LEARN and GROW. He is never done learning, ever. And he never stops looking for ways to grow. Similarly, he only works with clients that WANT to learn, and WANT to grow.

  5. Leading by Example

    -Tim doesn’t tell his clients what to do, he shows them what to do. He gives them his energy, in return for theirs. He doesn’t ever expect them to do something he hasn’t, wouldn’t, or couldn’t do.

What does Tim believe in?

#2: Mentality

Tim believes in:

  • Doing your best, and not making excuses.

  • Becoming a better version than you were yesterday.

  • Focusing mainly on what you can control.

  • Doing the right thing, not necessarily the easy thing.

  • Embracing the process, and realizing that
    the journey is the destination.

#1: Training

Tim believes in:

  • A science-based approach to training, following time-tested & proven principles.

  • Mastering the basics and developing form first. Technique always comes before weight.

  • Attacking weaknesses, NOT neglecting them. The real goal is to turn weakness into strength.

  • Using first-hand experience to bridge the gap between theory and application.

"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson